Original French Oak Boards

French oak floor boards that are original from the Caserne de Vernon, the Vernon Barracks, Monet Country on the Seine. 18th century boards. All nails removed.
Lot: A500
Widths: 150 to 200mm
Thickness: 35mm
Lengths: from 600 mm to 3000 mm
Approx Quality Available: 150m2 remaining
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French Oak Floorboards

Large surface area of centuries-old wide antique original French oak floorboards, reclaimed French Oak Australasia with provenance from a known historic 17th Century building the Jesuit College in Reims, France.
Lot No:  1549
Approx Width:  210 mm to 280 mm (average 240 mm)
Approx Thickness: 22 to 25 mm
Approx Length: Mixed 1600 mm to 2200 mm
Finish:  As Is
Approx Quantity Available:   1093 m2

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